With The house of Asterion, Borges rewrites the myth of the Minotaur, but from the point of view of the monster rather than that of Theseus, the killer of the monster. The gaze is thus displaced allowing for a critical reading where the monster is heard and seen – the monster, which hitherto has been mute and hidden. Monster is a multi faceted immersive project, inviting each audience member to discover, feel, experience and travel through… an interactive performance/installation combining choreography, audiovisual arts and digital technology. The scenographic set (a spiraling labyrinth of suspended screens) allows for the question of being in the world/labyrinth to be perceived by the audience. It proposes different configurations depending on the accommodating space: theatrical stage, auditorium, and non-conventional large space. The audience can attend the performance either from outside the set or share the space of the performers inside the “labyrinthian” spaces and corridors. Changes of perception, via the various surfaces of projection, the multiplied image, the sound diffusion and the optical sensors allow for the set to become a living organism in constant evolution. A “breathing” Monster. This project puts forward a questioning about perception, the perturbation of senses, the sensorial experience and its “surprises”. This project provides the conditions for the emergence of new technological paradigms, and opens spaces of perception where the body is radically valued in its irreducibility and unpredictable and changing diversity: it is both a choreographic scenario involving two dancers (a man and a woman) and the evolving relationship they have with their environment (the labyrinth and its metaphorical representations). * The novel «The House of Asterion » is part of the book The Aleph, J.L. Borges.

Producción 2014 video de 18mn
A performance uniting contemporary dance and visual arts based on a contemporary rewriting of The House of Asterion by Jorge Luis Borges (inspired by the myth of the Minotaur).
The performance can be seen from inside or outside.
Choreographers: Anne Holst & Jean-Marc Matos
In close collaboration with 1minute69,
Interactive audiovisual illusion / diseño audiovisual y escenografía digital
Digital artists: Aurélie Dumaret & Emilie Villemagne
Created with and dances by: Marianne Masson & Mario Sáez
Video shooting: Claude Jeanmart