Ongoing Research and creation.
The ongoing artistic, scientific and technological development has happened through so-called case studies or subprojects, which propose specific challenges as ground for collaboration, constituting a complex web of interconnected collaborative processes in which the foreseen tools, platforms, artistic works, scientific researches, and prototypes are developed.
The ongoing research and creation in transdisciplinary collaboration amongst the partners has resulted in the elaboration of over 60 subprojects, collaborating online with the use of specific online tools and with occasional meetings as well as in the Forums. Including: over 15 academic studies, over 15 dance, sonic, new media, visual and interactive art works, over 15 software and harware developments, over 15 interactive architecture prototypes.
More than 60 case studies or subprojects of activities 3, 4 and 5 have been developed in relation to the 4 main expected outcomes of the project:
- New methodologies, platforms and networks for transdisciplinary research, creation, dissemination and learning.
To develop new approaches for the understanding of expression, emotion and cognition – To generate a novel technocultural paradigm for communication and the arts, which foregrounds embodied knowledge and cognition – Academic research outlining a new field for the understanding of cultural diversity, in the domain of non-verbal communication, expression and emotions.
- Tools for understanding and raising awareness of cultural diversity
- Tools to foster embodied communication for a sustainable culture
- An interactive mobile architectural structure for outdoor spaces. Laboratory and observatory of diversity.
OVERVIEW of 62 SUBPROJECTS in relation to the four main outcomes. Given their transdisicplinary nature many of them relate to several of the outcomes, we have chosen the distribution according to the outcome to which each subproject may correspond more prominently but not exclusively, indicating the leading partner.
New methodologies, platforms and networks for transdisciplinary research, creation, dissemination and learning. To develop new approaches for the understanding of expression, emotion and cognition – To generate a novel technocultural paradigm for communication and the arts, which foregrounds embodied knowledge and cognition –
Academic research outlining a new field for the understanding of cultural diversity, in the domain of non-verbal communication, expression and emotions.
- Metastudy. (Reverso) – study on the development of transdisciplinary methodologies of the project.
- Ontologies of movement. (Reverso) – philosophy of movement as substrate for redefining technoscieces and communication.
- Birth of dualistic perception. (Reverso) – philosophy of perception as substrate for redefining technoscieces and communication.
- Big Data Brother – Ontology and politics of data.(Reverso) – Study of the implications of Big Data for the increase of control and the deep ontological transformations it brings about, as source for a Media Ethics White Paper.
- Civilizing Process and Nature Studies. (UAM – Eva Botella) – historical study of cultural embeddeness of the technoscientific and artistic research done in the project.
- Comparative Study of the history of biometrics and emotions: 1870-2014. A comparative approach. (UAM – Eva Botella and Leicester Univ. – Beatriz Pichel) – study of the history of analysis of movement and the body, of Biometrics and control, in relation to current technoscientific and artistic approaches
- Loïe Fuller as dancescientist. (UAM – Eva Botella and Leicester Univ. – Beatriz Pichel) – study of Loïe Fuller as example of transdisciplinary bridge accross arts and science.
- Audiences in digital art works. (Fabrica de movimentos) – understanding the redefinition of the audience that the new interactive processes of the project poses.
- Ecology of perception & OnSite urban explorations. (UAM – Jose Luis Carles and Cristina Palmese) – methods for intervening in urban spaces through exploring sensation and movement in new ways.
- Strata – Urban Fluxus. (UAM- Jose Luis Carles and Cristina Palmese) – methodologies of intervening in urban space studying the case of AZCA.
- Robots and Emotions: Theories, Prescriptions, and Ethical Implications. (NYIT – Kevin LaGrandeur- Associated Partner) – study of the ethical implication of reductive approaches in simulating emotions, bridging philosophy, ethics and technosciences.
- Cybersecurity and the digitized Human. (NYIT – Kevin LaGrandeur- Associated Partner) – study of the ethical issues raised by cybersecurty projects of DARPA.
- Software and Embodiment. (Oxford Brookes – Federica Frabetti- Associated Partner) – study of materiality and cultural embeddedness of software – bridging accross philosophy and technosciences.
- Philosophical dimensions of the concept of embodiment – (Yvonne Foerster – Leuphana Universität – Associated Partner) – to outline the philosophical dimensions of the concept of embodiment, which is one of the fundamental topics in Metabody.
Tools for understanding and raising awareness of cultural diversity
- Disalignments (Reverso) – new movement techniques that highlight diversification of movement-expression through subtle deviations from usual movements.
- Microsexes (Reverso)- performance and prototype experimenting new kinds of embodiment with focus on sex-gender diversity and on diverse abilities.
- Illegible affects (Reverso – UNIGE) – challenging approaches to emotion analysis that focus on standardization and focusing instead on the indeterminate and ambiguous aspects of expression and emotion.
- Metabody Box/Motion Composer (Palindrome – IMM – Infomus) – an artistic platform and a technological device for people with disabilities in which interactive technologies are used to allow people with disabilities to generate musical sound through small movements of any body part.
- Affording Difference (Palindrome) – The project proposes the development and implementation of tools of interactive technology for different(ly-abled) bodies.
- Body is not what it used to be (Palindrome) – Interactive and inclusive dance piece, by and for persons with and without disabilities, with gesture/movement based technologies extending different bodies.
- Metainterview (Palindrome) – performative installtion piece involving micromovement analysis of facial microgestures in a one to one situation.
- Tiresias (Palindrome) – An interactive dance piece created for a person with disability and 2 dancers.
- Performance of perception (Palindrome) – A dance performance and research about human perception with interactive technology.
- Touch matters (Palindrome) – This collaborative research explores various technologies from embodied sensors to the physical touch between two or more persons.
- Methodologies of diversity (Universidad de Valladolid – Associated Partner) – Developing a methodology to understand diversity and novelty of expression and interaction.
Tools to foster embodied communication for a sustainable culture
- Amorphogenesis (Reverso) – digital prototype for future architecture.
- Bodynet (TMA – Reverso) – the first social network based on non verbal communication.
- Emergent Proprioceptions (Reverso) – generating new perceptions through sensors on the body.
- Video streaming and real-time analysis using Android smartphones (Infomus-UNIGE) – tools for embodied interaction.
- Gesture analysis based on IMU sensors (Infomus-UNIGE) – tools for embodied interaction.
- Development of an EyesWeb patch for the multimodal recordings of dancers (Infomus-UNIGE) – tools for embodied interaction.
- Dissappearing Dancer (Infomus-UNIGE) – tools for embodied interaction.
- Definition of a vocabulary of movements defined by Jean-Marc Matos (Infomus-UNIGE – KDanse) – tools for embodied interaction.
- Several developments(Infomus-UNIGE) – Expressive movements analysis of different situations – tools for embodied interaction.
- Fleshwaves (TMA) – performance experimenting new kinds of embodiment.
- Emoticam (TMA) – performance experimenting new kinds of embodiment.
- Holostage (TMA) – telematic performance and prototype.
- Victory over the sun (Brunel – Dap_lab) – experimenting with wearables and design.
- Metakimospheres (Brunel – Dap_lab) – Metakimospheres are kinetic atmospheres created for dancers and receivers exploring an intimate sounding architecture.
- Several designs for interactive performance (Brunel – Dap_lab): BeakHandSpeaker, SpeakerVeil, ConductiveCoat, KaidagaraDress, Kepler, Accordion, Drag Object
- Sense of the Body (STEIM) – exploring wireless sensors on the body.
- Softspeakers and sounding textiles (STEIM) – development of distributed embedded speakers in textiles.
- E-textiles (STEIM) – reserach on e-textiles for embodied interaction.
- OnTouch (Steim) – research on tactile feedback technologies for embodied interaction.
An interactive mobile architectural structure for outdoor spaces:
- Metakinesphere (Reverso) – analogue physical prototype for an interactive architecture.
- Metatopia (Reverso) – interactive performative environments for indoors and outdoors based on physical and digital dynamic architetures.
- Flexinamics (Reverso) – technique for building ultraportable dynamique structures.
- Metadress (Reverso) – analogue physical prototype for an interactive architecture.
- Metatope (Reverso) – analogue physical prototype for an interactive architecture.
- Metatents (Reverso) – analogue physical prototype for an interactive architecture.
- Neural Narratives 1: Phantom Limb (Stocos) – Dance piece and prototype, connects dance to architectural concepts, music and artifical intelligence, for the development of an interactive mobile architecture.
- Neural narratives 2: Polytopya (Stocos) – Dance piece and prototype, experiment with hybrid forms of embodiment in dance for the development of an interactive mobile architecture.
- Neural narratives 3: Clinament (Stocos) – Dance piece and prototype, using sensors instead of video tracking systems enhancing the mobility of potential users for the development of an interactive mobile architecture.
- Monster (K-Danse) – Dance piece and choreographic study for an interactive mobile architecture.
- Errance (K-Danse) – Dance piece and choreographic study for an interactive mobile architecture.
- Interperforming environments (TUDelft) – prototype an interactive mobile architecture.
- Ambiguous Topologies (TUDelft) – digital prototype an interactive mobile architecture.
- Reflectego (TUDelft) – prototype an interactive mobile architecture.
- Robozoo (TUDelft) – prototype an interactive mobile architecture.
- The Living Room (TUDelft) – prototype an interactive mobile architecture.
- Synergetic Sound (TUDelft) – prototype an interactive mobile architecture.
- Hyperloop (TUDelft) – prototype an interactive mobile architecture.
- Textrinium (TUDelft) – prototype an interactive mobile architecture.
- Scaringami (TUDelft) – prototype an interactive mobile architecture.
- Nervion (TUDelft) – prototype an interactive mobile architecture.