Ongoing Research and creation.

The ongoing artistic, scientific and technological development has happened through so-called case studies or subprojects, which propose specific challenges as ground for collaboration, constituting a complex web of interconnected collaborative processes in which the foreseen tools, platforms, artistic works, scientific researches, and prototypes are developed.

The ongoing research and creation in transdisciplinary collaboration amongst the partners has resulted in the elaboration of over 60 subprojects, collaborating online with the use of specific online tools and with occasional meetings as well as in the Forums. Including: over 15 academic studies, over 15 dance, sonic, new media, visual and interactive art works, over 15 software and harware developments, over 15 interactive architecture prototypes.

More than 60 case studies or subprojects of activities 3, 4 and 5 have been developed in relation to the 4 main expected outcomes of the project:

  1. New methodologies, platforms and networks for transdisciplinary research, creation, dissemination and learning.
    To develop new approaches for the understanding of expression, emotion and cognition – To generate a novel technocultural paradigm for communication and the arts, which foregrounds embodied knowledge and cognition – Academic research outlining a new field for the understanding of cultural diversity, in the domain of non-verbal communication, expression and emotions.
  2. Tools for understanding and raising awareness of cultural diversity
  3. Tools to foster embodied communication for a sustainable culture
  4. An interactive mobile architectural structure for outdoor spaces. Laboratory and observatory of diversity.

OVERVIEW of 62 SUBPROJECTS in relation to the four main outcomes. Given their transdisicplinary nature many of them relate to several of the outcomes, we have chosen the distribution according to the outcome to which each subproject may correspond more prominently but not exclusively, indicating the leading partner.

New methodologies, platforms and networks
Tools for cultural diversity
Tools for embodied communication
Interactive mobile architecture