EXTINCTION: Trial Against “Humanity”

Metaformance for non-humans

(Strictly forbidden for humans)

Performance/metaformance/lecture/workshop/therapy/book/novel/opera/requiem/film/game/thematic park/protest/judicial process…and much more, a project by

Jaym* del Val / Valjayk / Reverso

(A) PROLOGUE: TRIAL AGAINST HUMANITY. In the trial of 9 million species against “humanity” the latter is accused of Mass Extinction, Planetary Holocaust and Human Supremacism, and sentenced to the concentration and extermination camps (farms) created by it.

(B) SIGNATURE OF THE HUMAN SUPREMACY RESIGN FORM: Those who are willing to renounce to their category of human and gender, to stop multiplying and devastating the earth and its forms of life, will be offered the opportunity to participate in the metaformance: an ontological therapy for a metahuman mutation.

NOTE: The participation of humans in the performance is strictly prohibited: only those who renounce to their human status and sign the  Human Supremacism Resign Form, resigning from all binary categories and forms of dominion, may do so.

(C) METAFORMANCE – PART 1: Metabody / chorus. First exercise of Disalignment from human supremacism: quitting the fixed point of vision, making metabody, feeling one’s own body and, with it, that of others, in motion, entangled.

Primer ejercicio de desalinemiento del supremacismo humano: salir del punto fijo de visión, hacer metacuerpo, sentir el propio cuerpo y con ello el de les otres.

(D) METAFORMANCE – PART 2: Microsexes / postanatomical body: metahuman symbiosis, with cameras on the skin and life electronic voice processing.

25′ min

Fed up with self-referential human rituals in their spaces of radical exclusion of all life forms, I present my first performance forbidden for humans.

It includes life electroacoustic processing of the voice and life video.

If you wish to hire the performance/lecture/workshop/therapy/metaformance write to jaimedelval@metabody.eu

The “Extinction: Trial againg Humanity”Project is taking a wide variety of forms, as book and in other media.

Fotos de/Pictures by: Carlos Felices (1 a 22) y Susana SK (23 a 42)

Fotos de/Pictures by:

Estreno/Premier: sábado 22 de abril 2023 en Est_Art_Space, Alcobendas, Madrid  en el marco de PEPA: Pequeño Evento de Performance Art, organizado por Analía Beltrán – http://pepaevento.blogspot.com/2023/04/pepa-abril-2023.html?m=1https://www.estartspace.com/es/index.php/performances


Jaym* del Val / ValJayK es artista transdisciplinar y digital, filósofe metahumanista postqueer, activista y ontohacker, no binarie y vegana radical. Promueve Instituto Metabody y la asociación Reverso, desarrolla proyectos transdisciplinares, incluidos varios europeos, en la convergencia de las artes, las tecnologías, la teoría crítica y el activismo que se han presentado en más de 30 países, y tiene más de un centenar de publicaciones. https://metabody.eu/jaime-del-val/

Talk format of the same project: