Flexinamics is a technique for building translucent, foldable, flexible, dynamic physical modules or (meta)structures that operate as wearable architectures, bodily extensions that move with the body, as they have their own liveliness, elasticity and resistance, inviting the body to explore unconventional torsions, focusing on the elastic kinesthetic connection to the structures. Flexinamics metastructures expand the sense of proprioception into a larger environment through elastic tensional relations. The fundamental experience they propose is from inside, when you lose a sense of shape. They constitute an emergent physical architecture, an attempt to create a non-Cartesian space, one that is not available to measure and navigate but which co-emerges continually with the movements of the bodies. It’s an intra-active space in so far as it doesn’t presuppose a given sensory organisation, rather, the very subject co-emerges with the space along with the changing multimodal sensations and proprioceptions. The Flexinamic modules can be connected composing larger structures, suspended, in multiple layers, scales and shapes, so that one can intervene with them any indoors or outdoors space, in daylight or in darkness, projecting on them an environment of amorphous digital architectures, light and sound called Amorphogenesis.
Filming of Wonders Wander with Shu Lea Cheang in April 2017:
By REVERSO – Jaime del Val and Cristian Garcia
FLEXINAMICS/FLEXEGRITY/FLEXISTENCY is the building technique underlying the physical, dynamic, ultraportable, foldable architecture modules, based on flexibility of all components, integrity or consistency of dynamic and flexible relations, and the constant physical dynamism and mutation of the modules, defying the perception of form. FLEXINAMICS is a technique developed in the EU Culture project METABODY. It consist both of bare physical structures connected to bodies, and of embedded systems of micromotors, sensors, speakers, microphones, cameras, microprojectors and other embedded microsystems that give the structures autonomous, distributed and decentralized agency following a swarm-logic.
Purpose and relation with Metabody outcomes:
This is the technique underlying the solution proposed by Reverso for the main outcome of the project: the building of an interactive dynamic architecture that highlights complexity, richness and indeterminacy of embodied interactions, in urban spaces. It goes in fact beyond the initial proposal in presenting a paradigm of contruction and building techniques called flexinamics.
What has been done:
- Preliminary research.
- Building of several prortypes.
- Building techniques of the structures of the Metatopia Environements.
- architecture modules presented in FORUM 2015: