MANIFESTO: What is the IMF? Behind this ironic reappropriction of the IMF acronym hides a radical esthetico-polical proposal. The International Metabody Forum is neither an assembly nor a parliament, but a nomadic chorus of dancing, moving bodies that spread disalignments from normative and control regimes, accross borderscapes, proposing alternate ecologies for more plastic cultures, opening the scope of discourse-centric practices to a radical movement philosophy-politics. The forum events bring together research, creation, production, dissemination, education and activism in new anti-curatorial transdisciplinary processes, creating events accross countries, normative and border situations.
The International Metabody Forum is the platform of the Metabody project, a space of creation, meeting, exchange, research, education, dissemination and awareness generation, that takes place every year in multiple countries proposing a novel transdisciplinary format across the arts, technosciences, humanities and the social. The forum includes continuous research and developments, workshops, talks, symposiums and conferences, performances and installations, always focusing on diverse themes and developing in every city new versions of the intra-active Metatopia environments.
IMF seeks to redefine the role of the body in contemporary media culture, highlighting the importance of embodied expressions for cultural diversity, analysing the embodied material nature of information and the way media structure perception and social organisations, promoting the possibility to actively redefine such structures (ontohacking) through developing intra-/interactive environments that foster embodiment and indeterminacy, empowering citizens to recuperate public space and the body as creative modes of resistance to the ways in which current media tend to invade or erase these transforming them into control spaces.
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Current edition: 2023
Previous editions: 2022 – 2021 – 2020 – 2019 – 2018 – 2017 – 2016 – 2015 – 2014 – 2013
International Metabody Forum consists of 3 main aspects:
- Metaformance Studies – Multiplicity University:
- Conferences, symposiums, seminars, courses, workshops, both theoretical and practical, with open international and local calls in each place where the Forum takes place.
- Ontoethics and ontoecology
- MetaMedialab – Ontohacklab:
- Laboratory of research into new applications of the Metabody project, with open international and local calls in each place where the Forum takes place.
- Observatory of Diversity – studies and campaigns about the impacts and potentials of new technologies in fundamental rights, forms of governmentality, ethical implications, etc., reflected in one or more publications per year and developed in relation to the problematics of each place where the Forum takes place.
- Metatherapies – Neurodiverse ecologies
- Metatopia Environments – Metagaming:
- Intra/interactive performative environments in urban spaces or indoors, where the creative responses of the Metabody project to control technologies are tested and put into practice. In every place where the Forum takes place new site-specific versions are developed in interactions with local and international participants.
Previous editions of the forum:
Since 2013 25 forums have taken place with events in 27 cities of 18 countries involving over 2.000 professionals from the arts, sciences, humanities and social actors, and over 20.000 people audience. The Metabody project was financed by the EU between 2013 and 2016, with a network of 38 partners in 16 countries, having developed over 60 research and creation projects. The project continues, amplifying its networks and consolidating its developments through the Metabody Forum.
IMF 2013 – Metabodies: movement, emergence and relation
- IMF 2013 Madrid – Multiplicidades en movimiento: Afectos, corporeización y el reverso de la cibernética. 3.000 años de historia posthumana. –
- IMF 2013 Dresden – Filosofía de Meta-Post-y Transhumanismo –
IMF 2014 – Open source bodies and spaces
- IMF 2014 Genoa – Nuevas interfaces de movimiento expresivo
- IMF 2014 Madrid – Open Source Space – Movement, Dance and Differently abled bodies–
- IMF 2014 Amsterdam – Elaborando el Metacuerpo: De la practica manual a la práctica corporal, diseño intra-activo y mapeado transdisciplinar.
IMF 2015 – Embodied Heritage and Media for Diversity: Generating Transcultural and Transdisciplinary Creation and Critique
- IMF 2015 Weimar – Affordances de la Simbiosis.
- IMF 2015 USA-Canada – Duke University, Durham – Concordia University, Montreal – NYIT, New York – U.C.Berkeley – Invirtiendo de la Cybernética, subvirtiendo el Control.
- IMF 2015 Madrid – Intra-Acción: Quijotes del S. XXI: políticas del cuerpo multisensorial en la era de la homogeneización expresiva –
- IMF 2015 Paris – Metaformance: Políticas de la percepción
- IMF 2015 Chile-Colombia – Bogotá y Santiago de Chile – ¿Decolonizando Cuerpos? –
IMF 2016 – Metatopia/Metagaming: New creative horizons, Intra-action and the Wars of Indeterminacy and Control
- IMF 2016 London –Performance Architectures, Wearables & Gestures of Participation.
- IMF 2016 Amsterdam – STEIM – Metabotics –
- IMF 2016 Manizales, Colombia – Ecologies of Perception
- IMF 2016 Madrid –Posthuman Studies and Technologies of Control.
- IMF 2016 Mexico D.F. –Towards an open ecology: disaligning violence.
- IMF 2016 Berlín –Microsexes and Post-intimacy, alien couplings and emergent tactilities.
- IMF 2016 Brasilia, São Paulo & São Carlos- Mobile Architectures.
- IMF 2016 Toulouse –Metaformance-Metagaming.
- IMF 2016 Buenos Aires & Montevideo–Metatherapies: expanded bodies, dynamic spaces and plural ecologies.
- IMF 2016 Valparaiso – Chile – Arquitectura indeterminada y arquitecturas del control –
- IMF 2016 Lima – Perú – Cuerpos abiertos y estrategias de Ontohacking.
IMF 2017 – Algoricene: ontology, genealogy, aesthetics and politics of algorithmic life, from ancient times to Big Data.
- IMF 2017 UK –
- IMF 2017 Colombia –
- IMF 2017 Ecuador –
- IMF 2017 Italia –
- IMAF 2017 Grecia –
- IMF 2017 Madrid –
- IMF 2017 Rural –
- IMF 2017 Toulouse –
IMF 2018: Microsingularities. Body Intelligence, Neuroplasticity and Neurodiverse Futures in the Algoricene.
- Enero 22: Madrid, ESPAÑA – Conferencia en UAM
- Marzo 4: La Haya, PAISES BAJOS
- Marzo 12-16: Málaga, ESPAÑA
- Abril 27-28: Milán, ITALIA
- Junio 15-16: Lüneburg, ALEMANIA
- Julio 9-15: Madrid, ESPAÑA
- Julio 8-21: Wrozlav, POLONIA
- Julio-Agosto: zona rural de Salamanca, ESPAÑA – Barraca del S. XXI
- Agosto 13-20: Beijing – CHINA
- Septiembre 2-8: Ciudad de México, MÉXICO
- Septiembre 20: Conferencia en Rotterdam – publicada en Proceedings
- October 1-14: La Haya, PAISES BAJOS
- Octubre 19: Conferencia en Transvisión en el Ateneo de Madrid.
- Octubre-diciembre: Toulouse, FRANCIA
IMF2019: BI r/evolutions – Body Intelligence and the swarming power of movement in the Age of Autonomous Algorithms
- Madrid – Enero-Diciembre
- Medialab
- Experiencias – espacio permanente
- Actividades con Entidades de personas con Diversidad funcional
- Curso de verano en la Universidad Complutense
- Proyecto Devenir
- Salamanca – entorno rural – Enero-Diciembre –
- Centro – experiencias y talleres
- Barraca del S. XXI
- Barcelona – Talleres – 14-16 Junio – Xplore Festival– 4 talleres
- Lille – Francia– 9-12 Julio – Universidad Católica de Lille – 11ª Conferencia BHC
- La Haya – Holanda– 16-22 septiembre – Campo de refugiados de Rijswijk
- Toulouse – Francia – 1-18 Octubre – con K-Danse y Stocos– METABODY Toulouse
- Coimbra – Portugal – 28-29 Noviembre – Conferencia y performance de clausura “Unquantifiable Bodies in the Age of Algorithms” en el congreso: The Quantification of Bodies–
- Lima y Selva – Perú – 2-11 Diciembre – comunidad Shipibo en Pucallpa y la selva – presidios en Lima
IMF 2020: Movement R/evolutions: Reinventing the body in times of the Pandemic
The forums have taken place in highly diverse and historically significant spaces of culture:
- Universities and High Schools for sciences, performing arts, visual arts, media arts:
- C Berkeley – Dance, Theatre and Performance Department
- Duke University – Slippage Lab – Dance Faculty
- Concordia University Montreal – Hexagram – Black Box
- New York Institute of Technology
- ASAB – Superior Academy of Arts of Bogotá
- Bauhaus University Weimar
- University of Genoa – Casa Paganini – InfoMus research Centre
- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid – Modern History and Music Departments
- Universidad Complutense de Madrid – Philosophy Faculty
- Conservatorio Superior de Danza de Madrid
- TUDelft – Hyperbody – architecture faculty
- Brunel University – London
- UNAM – Ciudad de México – Seminario de Estudios del Cuerpo – CEIICH
- Universidad Francisco José de Caldas – Manizales – Colombia
- Universidad de Brasília – Facultad de artes
- Instituto Federal de Brasilia
- Universidad de São Paulo – São Carlos
- UNTREF – Buenos Aires – Intercambios Transorgánicos
- John Cabot University – Rome
- University of the Aegean – Lesvos
- Kent University – UK
- Universidad de la Artes – Guayaquil – Ecuador
- ETSAM – Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid
- Theatres, arts and music centres and cultural venues such as:
- Hexagram – Montreal
- STEIM (Amsterdam) – Foundation for Electroinstrumental Music
- La Casa Encendida (Madrid) – Arts centre
- Medialab Prado (Madrid) – Media arts centre
- CCE Santiago de Chile
- Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Bogotá
- Galeria Permanente – Bogotá
- Spektrum – Berlin
- Museo Nacional da República – Brasília,
- Galería deCurators, Brasilia
- RedBull Station São Paulo
- CCE Buenos Aires
- CCE Montevideo
- Parque Cultural de Valparaiso
- MAC – Museo de Arte Contemporáneo – Lima
- ElGalpón – Lima
- CCE Lima
- MUNTREF – Museum of the UNTREF University
- Centre Cultural Bellegarde – Toulouse
- MAC – Museo de Arte Contemporáneo -Guaya quil – Ecuador
- AMOQA – Athens Musem of Queer Art
- Festivals, theatres, other venues and events
- ISEA 2017 – Manizales – Colombia
- 16º Festival Internacional de la Imagen – Manizales – Colombia
- Festspielhaus Hellerau (Dresden)
- Cynetart Festival (Dresden)
- Teatro Fundadores – Manizales – Colombia
- 15º Festival Internacional de la Imagen – Manizales – Colombia
- BalanceUnbalance International Conference
- 8th Beyond Humanism Conference
- VI Bienal de Arte Contemporáneo de Fundación ONCE
- Xplore Festival – Berlin
- ReSense Festival – Berlin
- Contato – Festival Multimida Colaborativo – São Carlos – Brasil
- Nuit Européene de Chercheurs – Toulouse
- Quai des Savoirs – Toulouse
- Tecnópolis – Buenos Aires
Introduction to the Metabody Project.