Metabody Toulouse 2017

September 23  – Presentation of Metabody Toulouse and workshops

Ocotober 23-27 – Workshop RCO

December 16 & 17 – Workshop RCO

December 18 & 19 – Wholodance and RCO presentation

A Meeting between Art-Science and Dance in the context of Metabody_Toulouse 2017 – part of the METABODY FORUM 2017

Metabody_Toulouse is a collaborative platform for experimentation, critical thinking, and presentation of artistic works, either finished or in progress, which proposes transdisciplinary exchanges between artists, scientists, programmers, inventors, researchers, philosophers, etc.

This platform, initiated by the K. Danse Company in Toulouse since 2013, in the frame of its artistic and technological research, is the local extension of the European funded Metabody project.

For the 2017 edition, Metabody_Toulouse presents various works articulated around dance and related scientific research, and developed by local, national and international partners. Specifically, the WholoDance and RCO projects.

Video of the 2016 Edition

  • Quai des Savoirs, Toulouse, 23 septembre 2017, dans le cadre de La Mêlée Numérique

–>      « Galerie arts numériques » : présentation de vidéos dans un espace dédiée du hall d’exposition
aménagé dans le cadre de la Mêlée Numérique.

–>      « Rencontre Art-Science”  : un espace de présentation d’œuvres, de questionnements artistiques et technologiques, de débats, un temps échange autour d’expériences et collaborations entre artistes et chercheurs.
Projets « WholoDance », « RCO » (K. Danse et Sarah Fdili Alaoui), « Créature artificielle » (Thomas Peyruse et Manon Schnetzler, etc.
Accueil de scientifiques, créateurs et tout public.
Thématique commune : corps, mouvement, numérique.
Salle aménagée au 1er étage.

  • Centre Culturel Bellegarde, Toulouse, 23-27 octobre et 16-19 décembre 2017

–> Du 23 au 27 octobre et les 16 et 17 décembre
Résidence / Workshop – Jean-Marc Matos et Sarah Fdili Alaoui
autour du projet RCO – Radical Choreographic Object

Sélectionné dans le cadre de l’appel à projet Phare 2017 de la Diagonale Paris-Saclay, RCO repose sur une recherche autour des principes d’écriture qui participent de la composition chorégraphique mais aussi de la recherche en interaction Humain Machine basée sur la captation de comportements collectifs et individuels via une technologie mobile. La sémantique de l’interaction y est au service d’une chorégraphie instantanée.

Performance réalisée en étroite collaboration avec la scientifique et artiste Sarah Fdili Alaoui – Laboratoire LRI, Université Paris-Sud.

Le workshop – RCO –  tout public à partir de 15 ans – de 14h à 18h

Ne faisant appel à aucune technique corporelle particulière, cet atelier d’expérimentation s’adresse à toute personne souhaitant vivre une expérience participative inédite. L’interaction est au rendez-vous, munissez-vous de votre smartphone.

Renseignement / Inscriptions centre culturel Bellegarde.

Lieu : Quai des Savoirs, 39 Allée Jules Guesde, 31400 Toulouse
infos : 05 67 73 84 84

  • Centre Culturel Bellegarde_Toulouse_18-19 Décembre, 2017

Metabody Toulouse – Hosting the WhoLoDancE European project


Meeting with scientific and artistic partners. Demonstrations – Installations – Workshops – micro Performances. Open to all audiences.

WhoLoDancE is an European funded project dealing with research and education in the fields of Dance and Technology. Its objective is to design an innovative tool for movement analysis, both for dance making and dance teaching.

Scientific partners: Motek (Amsterdam-Holland), InfoMus (Genoa) and Politecnico of Milano (Italy), Peachnote (Germany), Athena RC (Athens, Greece), University of Coventry (United Kingdom). Artistic partners: K. Danse (Toulouse, France), Instituto Stocos (Madrid, Spain), Lykeion Hellinidon (Athens, Greece).

Presentation of technological prototypes dedicated to the annotation and fine analysis of kinesthetic and qualitative aspects of movement in dance, the use of a similarity search software in order to identify similar patterns of movement, the blending of choreographic sequences taken from a large repertory of 3D high quality motion capture movements.

The user dialogues with a 3D avatar which allows him/her to apprehend the totality of his/her physical capacities, qualities of movement and the virtual space he/she is moving in. this project covers several dance genres: Ballet, contemporary dance, Flamenco and traditional Greek dances.

Featuring a prensentation of Metabody 2017 by Jaime del Val.

Different Poles (Workshops)

  • Choreomorphy – Katerina/Athena Dec 18, 2-6 pm
  • Movement sketching and low-end VR experience + Similarity Search – InfoMus + Polimi Dec 18, 2-6 pm
  • Blending Machine – Motek/Polimi Dec 18, 2-6 pm
  • InfoMus + KDanse workshop demo Dec 18, 2-6 pm
  • Flamenco + technology – Rosa/Covuni + Library of movements/Annotator – Katerina/Athena Dec 19, 9-11 am
  • Greek Dance + technology – Amalia + Library of movements/Annotator Katerina/Athena Dec 19, 11 am-1 pm
  • Stocos + KDanse workshop demo Dec 19, 10am-1pm

Rencontre – Discussions publiques autour du projet WhoLoDancE avec tous les partenaires artistiques et scientifiques >> Auditorium (19 déc., 14h30-16h30)

Présentation du projet Metabody 2017 – Jaime del Val >> Salon Jaune (19 déc., 17h-18h)   Metabody 2017: Ecologies de la Neurodiversité dans le temps de l’Algoricène.  Neuroplasticité dans des environnements proprio/aloceptifs, transmodaux, non directionnels et multi sensoriels, Metatopia 4.0.

RCO, interactive choreographic performance – 18’30 – Auditorium  –  RCO is an interactive participatory dance performance, with variable scales, which unfolds according to the physical behavior of audience participation and their reactions instructed via their smartphones.
Audiences, as they desire, trigger rules which they discover little by little.A unique choreography which adapts itself to the participants, the architectural spaces and the number of dancers-performers.

  • December 18 (2 :30 pm to 6 pm) and December 19 (10 to 12 am and 2 to 6 pm)

WhoLoDancE European project

Meeting with scientific and artistic partners.

Demonstrations – Installations – Workshops – micro Performances. Open to all audiences.

WhoLoDancE is an European funded project dealing with research and education in the fields of Dance and Technology. Its objective is to design an innovative tool for movement analysis, both for dance making and dance teaching.

Scientific partners: Motek (Amsterdam-Holland), InfoMus (Genoa) and Politecnico of Milano (Italy), Peachnote (Germany), Athena RC (Athens, Greece), University of Coventry (United Kingdom),
Artistic partners: K. Danse (Toulouse, France), Instituto Stocos (Madrid, Spain), Lykeion Hellinidon (Athens, Greece).

Presentation of technological prototypes dedicated to the annotation and fine analysis of kinesthetic and qualitative aspects of movement in dance, the use of a similarity search software in order to identify similar patterns of movement, the blending of choreographic sequences taken from a large repertory of 3D high quality motion capture movements.
The user dialogues with a 3D avatar which allows him/her to apprehend the totality of his/her physical capacities, qualities of movement and the virtual space he/she is moving in.
this project covers several dance genres: Ballet, contemporary dance, Flamenco and traditional Greek dances.

  • December 19, at 6 :30 pm

RCO, interactive choreographic performance

RCO is an interactive participatory dance performance, with variable scales, which unfolds according to the physical behavior of audience participation and their reactions instructed via their smartphones.
Audiences, as they desire, trigger rules which they discover little by little.

A unique choreography which adapts itself to the participants, the architectural spaces and the number of dancers-performers.

Venue: Centre Culturel Bellegarde, 17 Rue Bellegarde, 31000 Toulouse, France
General info: + 33 (0)5 62 27 44 88

Contacts: K. Danse +33 (0)611775456
Communication: Anouk Mignot +33(0)6648487641
Audiovisual & Multimedia Coordinator: Sabine Obadia
+ 33 (0)




logos toulouse 2017