Multiplicity University  /  Metamedialab  /  Metatopia 4.0



  • UK – University of Kent – symposium and workshop

  • COLOMBIA – ISEA – Inaugural performance, workshop and paper

  • ECUADOR – MAAC Guayaquil – Taller, metaformance, panel

UK – Metabody in University of Kent – 7th-8th June

7th June – STICKY THICK: Thinking through Practice  – Practice Research Forum

Galvanising Shop Performance Space,  Chatham Historic Dockyard
Jaime del Val in dialogue with Luciano Zubillaga – A conversation with metamedia artist, philosopher and (post)queer activist Jaime del Val ( (1) chaired by Luciano Zubillaga (artist and PhD candidate University of Kent)

Despite a nearly universal theoretical rejection of Cartesian modes of thinking, it remains problematic to surrender the Enlightenment’s legacy of the liberal humanist subject. To surrender the notion of identity, of self and other as individually determined. Does the plausibility of the posthuman send silent shivers down the vertebrae of the elitist homo sapien? Are realities constructed from an always already individual being or is it that, autonomous will is merely the story consciousness tells itself to explain results that actually come about through alien vectors, queer physics, chaotic dynamics or emergent structures?

Jaime Del Val proposes in the Metabody project a shift from discourse to its underlying perceptual architectures, from content to frame, and from ontologies of being to metaontologies of movement, in order consider relational ecologies that exceed the rigid corpo-reality imposed by the modern/colonial matrix of power, articulated through grids, perspectival vision and other geometries of rationalisation which for millenia have articulated the algorithmic reduction of movement. Thereby potential routes are proposed away from the Algoricene (Del Val’s own term to define the age of the dominance of algorithmic processes) and the western rationalist paradigms of the dividual and the fragmentary.

8th June – Ontohacking Wokshop by Jaime del Val

Galvanising Shop Performance Space,  Chatham Historic Dockyard
United Kingdom

Ontopolitics of perception in the Algoricene: Ecologies of indeterminacy in the Big Data Era

This workshop would offer participants a unique opportunity to explore some of the key questions driving current trans-disciplinary and practice based research through active participation with a leader in the field. This would enable artists and researchers alike to develop and test their research methods, and gain valuable insight into trans-disciplinary and practice based research processes and collaborative practice based investigation, thus opening up the potential of futurity, navigation and speculation within practice as research.

In the Big Data Era new threats to plurality emerge as strategies of preemption and modulation of behaviour of the human and nonhuman acquire increasing sophistication in algorithmic and Big Data environments. From Trump and the Brexit, whose victories were seemingly modulated through big data analytics, to cyberwar, and affective mass media politics, from ubiquitous surveillance, modulation of consumer’s behaviours, capitalization of microgestures,  to the war fronts, a new turn to power is happening (which Brian Massumi calls Ontopower), focusing on capturing potentiality and emergence while operating in affective, not in ideological registers. Which is the underlying perceptual ecology of Ontopower, and most importantly, how to elaborate new modes of resistance to, and reinvention beyond, such modes of power and violence?

COLOMBIA – Manizales – 11th-13th June

Metabody at ISEA – International Symposium for the Electronic Arts

11th JuneAlgoricene: Ontohacking workshop by Jaime del Val – 9am-4pm

Sala 4 – Recinto  del pensamiento

12th JuneMetatopia 4.0: AlgoriceneInaugural Performance of ISEA – 7pm

Teatro Fundadores

13th JuneAlgoricene – Paper presentation (time and place to be announced)

More information in:

ECUADOR – Guayaquil – 20-23 Junio

Encuentro Internacional de Investigación en Artes

MAAC – Museo antropológico y de Arte contemporáneo

20-22 Junio – Taller de Ontohacking

MAAC – Museo antropológico y de Arte contemporáneo – El Cubo

21 Junio – Panel – Algoriceno

MAAC – Museo antropológico y de Arte contemporáneo – 15’00

23 Junio – Metatopia 4.0 – Metaformance

MAAC – Museo antropológico y de Arte contemporáneo – a la entrada del museo, al aire libre

Más información en:

Organiza y apoya: Universidad de la Artes