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ONTOHACKERS  Book trilogy     –     EXTINCTION Metaformance     –     Metabody Techniques & Toolkit     –     FORUMS & Agenda       METAHUMANISM       EU PROJECT       Contact: jaimedelval [@]

Jaime/Jaym* del Val is a philosopher-artist-activist developing non-anthropocentric and queer intersectional fields of thought, creation, and action across environmental, human, and animal justice, in defence of biodiversity and human diversity, promotor of metahumanism, of the Metabody Forum, Network and Institute, and the non profit organisation Reverso, as well as being performer, media artist, pianist, composer, visual artist and writer. Since 2000 Jaym* develops transdisciplinary projects in the transvergence of arts (dance, performance, architecture, visual and media arts, music), technologies, critical theory and activism, has coordinated the Metabody EU project and now coodinates de Bodynet-Khoros EU project. Jaym*’s art projects propose redefinitions of embodiment, perception and space that challenge the current age of Extinctions and Planetary Holoacaust, as well as algorithmic control society, and normative conceptions of affect, sex, gender, ability or intimacy, and which have been presented with over 120 performances, metaformances and installations in museums, theatres, festivals, urban and rural areas, refugee camps and numerous unconventional places, in novel experiential formats in over 50 cities of 30 countries, across Europe, North and South America, Asia and Africa, mostly under the collectives REVERSO and Metabody.

The evolution of these projects led in 2013 to the Multiannual European Culture project METABODY, coordinated by Jaym* with a network of 38 partners from 16 countries. As part of Metabody Jaime has organised over 50 international Forums in 30 countries and coordinated over 60 research projects and imparting over a 100 workshops and courses. The project continues now with the new EU project Bodynet-Khorós and the Metabody Forum, a transdisicplinary and nomadic iIMG_1465pntiative in the crossroads of reseach, creation, education, networking, uncuratorship and activism that takes place every year in at least 8 countries and which consists in three main aspects including the Multiversity, the Ontohacklab and the Metatopia environments. Jaym* is author of the book trilogy ONTOHACKERS. Radical Movement Philosophy in the age of extinctions and algorithms. Jaym*’s philosophical work has been published in over 120 essays  in journals such as  Performance Research, World Futures, Leonardo and others. Jaym* has edited the Journals Reverso and Metabody, is member of the organizing committee of the Beyond Humanism Network and Conference series, of the Global Posthuman Network, the World Posthuman Society, the Journal of Posthumanism, the Posthumanities and Citizenship Futures book series, and Altera Edizioni. Jaym* is cofounder of Metahumanism, a critical posthumanist philosophy, is advisor on the onto-ethical challenges of Autonomous Algorithms. S/he has given over 120 lectures and has had forums dedicated to hir projects in Universities like U.C Berkeley, Stanford, MIT Medialab, Duke University, Yale, Cambridge, Goldsmiths London, UNAM Mexico, EWHA Seoul, and others all over the Americas, Europe and Asia.

Jaym* has developed novel movement techniques with varying applications, included therapeutic, and dynamic architecture and design techniques. As pianist and composer Jaime has recorded 13 CDs and over 300 works. Jaym* has also exhibited painting, etching, photography and vIMG_1443pideo work since 1998. As activist Jaym* has promoted and been involved since 1998 in numerous environmental, antispeciesist, lgtbi-queer, Occupy and antisurveillance movements leading several national scale organizations, particularly in the fight against land speculation in Spain, advising and reporting for the European Parliament and United Nations amongst others and being known amongst others as the promoter of the stoppage of the famous mega-building in a natural protected area of Almeria called Algarrobico. In 2008 Jaym* was chosen by El Pais as one of the 100 Iberoamericans of the year, described as: “one of the most outstanding examples of an artist concerned with all art forms and with the problems of his time… a clear example of how it’s possible to change the world through art”. Jaym* lives in Terra in a tiny corner of the Pisces-Cetus supercluster galaxy complex, in the Stelliferous era of this particular universe, and has no wish to destroy and leave the planet. Jaym* is promoting two rural environments in Salamanca and Almeria in preparation of becoming a nomad gatherer in the desert. Jaym* is polyglot, neurodiverse and mestiza, radical vegan and non binary gendered,  is neither man, nor woman nor human, and is not on Facebook.



Jaym*/Jaime del Val in is a non-binary non-human animal, artist-philosopher-activist, promoter of Metabody, Reverso and the Metahuman Futures Forum. Since 2001 Jaym develops transdisciplinary projects in the convergence of all the arts, old and new technologies, philosophy and activism, which have been presented in over 30 countries on 4 continents. Jay promotes the art of metaformance, the technes of ontohacking, is the promoter of metahumanist philosophy, has published over 120 essays and is author of the book trilogy Ontohackers: Radical Movement Philosophy in the age of Extinctions and algorithms. As a postqueer, environmental, and animal activist Jaym has led international initiatives. As a musician Jaym has recorded 13 albums, and exhibits work as a visual artist. Jaym is promoting a rural metahuman space in Salamanca while preparing to become a nomad naked gatherer in the desert of Almeria, dancing till death arrives. Jaym is neurodiverse, mestiza, non-binary microsexual, radical vegan and metaspecies, is neither human nor cyborg, neither man nor woman, and is neither on Facebook nor on Whatsapp.