Multiplicity University / Metaformance Studies
- Research on Philosophy and technology, perception, movement, body – Metaphilosophy and Embodied theory in motion!
- Conferences, symposiums, seminars, round tables, talks.
- NEW – Consultancy – Ontoethics Consultancy & Project Coordination Consultancy.
- Ontoethics and Ontoecology Consultancy – Contestable Futures in the Algoricene -Big Data Watch & Democracy of Perception
- Project consultancy – Consultancy on project coordination – Promoting and coordinating projects
- Publications, policies, Journal and books – NEW Reverso-Metabody Journal
New project since 2022: Bodynet-Khorós
New research areas under the Algoricene subproject in 2020:
- Neuroplasticity, Neurodiversity – Recovering proprioception in the digital age. Research project on proprioception. The proposed research is incardinated in the previous development carried out with the University of Valladolid and ESMUC Barcelona which in 2017 dealt with the intra-action (and which has led to an academic publication> 1) and in 2018 on affordances, enaction, neuroplasticity and neuroflexibility (also giving rise to a publication> 2). It will be developed during the year in Madrid and Salamanca with the collaborators of Valladolid, Barcelona and Murcia / Alicante.
- AAA – Autonomous Algorithm AwarenessAAA – AUTONOMOUS ALGORITHM AWARENESS
- PTTI: The Posthuman in Translation, Transduction, Intra-Action, Research project in the Suzhou University, China on the global impact of new technologies and the transformation of the human being. This project comes from the visit made in the 2018 Forum.
- Co-organization, as in previous years, of the 11th International Conference “Beyond Humanism” this year in Lille, France, also on the topic of the impact of technology on the transformation of the human being and which is the most important international conference on the subject associated with a research and publications network of which Reverso is a co-organizer
- Start of Study on Animal Affects / Posthumans / Transspecies linked to the research on posthumanism as well as the investigation of proprioception
New research areas under the Algoricene subproject in 2019:
- BI – Body intelligence: Untrainment, unlearning automated behaviours and machine unlearning
- Neuroplastic Ecologies and Neurodiverse Futures – Antismart Architectures in the Algoricene
- Microsingularities and Minor Ecologies – Metacultural Diversity in the Algoricene
- Big Data Watch – Ontoethics in the age of the Algorithms – Ontoethical Cultures and Contestable Futures – Perceptual Democracy in the Algoricene & Indeterminacy as Justice to come
Multiversity/Multiplicity University elaborates the Metaformance Sudies curriculum through Conferences, symposiums, seminars, courses, research groups and nodes in itinerant events of the International Metabody Forum, which have been happening so far in 42 cities of 25 countries, having organised over 15 international Conferences, as well as publications, with open international and local calls in each place where the Metabody Forum takes place.
Multiplicity University proposes to research into plural ecologies, ethics, ontologies, aesthetics and politics for plural, open and contestable futures, in which multiplicities of critical experimentation and thinking practices may be mobilised, proposing multiple alternatives to the dominant focus of worldwide research towards increasing control of present and future behavious of human and non human bodies, and instead promoting embodied and situated practices that enhance and embrace the indeterminacy and richness of multisensory movement and experience rather tan diminish it.
Multiplicity University operates in collaborations with multiple universities in multiple countries, as well as in non-academic environments, including urban and rural areas, opening up the University to multiplicities of people who may not have normally access to it, and who may redefine knowledge production as open, lively and emergent field, through multiple transdisicplinary projects connecting multiple academic and non academic environments, organising multiple events such as conferences, symposiums, seminars and talks, and through multiple interconnected research groups and nodes.
Metaformance Studies propose to reinvent and think through, not so much the content but rather the structures of perception, with a focus on indeterminacy, as opposed to the dominant paradigms of control. Metaformance Studies elaborate the notions of Ontoecology and Ontoethics as means of understanding the invisible architectures of media so as to reinvent them at the level of their ontological force, their power to structure movements and perceptions in more or less plastic and open ways.
Previous Conferences/Symposiums:
- 1 – Madrid – Medialab Prado – 2013 –Multiplicities in Motion – Affects, embodiment and the reversal of cybernetics. 3.000 years of posthuman history.
- 2 – Dresden – Festpielhaus Hellerau –2013 –Philosophy of the Meta- Post- and Transhumanity
- 3 – Madrid – UAM – 2014 –History and ontologies of Movement-Gesture
- 4 – Weimar – Bauhaus U. –2015 – Affordances of Symbiosis
- 5 – New York – NYIT 2015 – Metabody: technologies, Culture, movement
- 6 – U.C.Berkeley 2015 – Reversing Cybernetics, Queering Control.
- 7 – Madrid – La Casa encendida – 2015 – Hacking Big data Brother – From Biometrics to Intra-action
- 8 – Chile – CCE – 2015 – ¿Decolonizando Cuerpos?
- 9 – London – Brunel U. – 2016 – Performance Architectures, Wearables & Gestures of Participation
- 10 – Madrid – UCM – 2016 – Posthumanist studies and technologies of control. From Nietzsche to Trans- Post- and Metahumanism
- 11 – Berlín – Spektrum – 2016 – Post-intimacy: alien couplings and emergent tactilities.
- 12 – Rome – JCU – 2017 – 9th Beyond Humanism Conference
- 13 – Lesvos – 2017 – Contested Borderscapes Conference
- 14 – Warsaw – 2018 – 10th beyond Humanism Conference
- 15 – Lille – 2019 – 11th Beyond Humanism Conference
Metabody project inaugurates a new transdisciplinary field of research-creation under the title Metahuman Metaformance Studies comprising the Metabody Conference Series and the MetamediaLab, a transdisciplinary and transversal field moving across philosophy, the arts, sciences, technologies, metacultural studies, metahistory, metahumanities, postfeminisms, post-queer, post-abilities, neocolonial and meta/posthuman theories. A Metadisciplinary field of movements that do not attempt to define a new stable regime of knowledge.
Metahuman makes reference to the Metahumanist Manifesto, by Jaime del Val and Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, as alternative to posthumanism and transhumanism pointing to an ethical and critical opening of the human up to undetermined potentials, to multiplicities to come, to movements not foreclosed in their trajectories, to neverending amorphogenesis.
Metaformance is a neologism proposed by Claudia Giannetti in 1994 (Metaformance – El Sujeto-Proyecto) and further developed by Jaime del Val to identify the processes that embrace and exceed performativity, representation, meaning and content production in a tripple move, in that they appeal to an ongoing transformation of perception and proprioception, a neverending emergence of affective relations that do not operate under the dominant regime of vision and form, thereby questioning the conditions of meaning while operating on the boundaries of the intelligible and perceptible, generating new potential ecologies.
Metabodies, as defined by Jaime del Val since 2002, are emergent fields of affective and kinetic relations, of incipient and relational movement, which challenge the platonic-cartesian tradition of transcedent forms by proposing an immanent ontology of movement and becoming. Metabodies resonate with Karen Barad’s agential realism, where intra-action generates the very parts that enter the relation; with Simondon’s transduction, where an activity generates its own conditions of possibility; and to Erin Mannings relational movement, a movement that worlds.
Metamedia points to the condition in which media generate and transform their own conditions of possibility in an ongoing critical and creative process that never settles into a new defined sensory architecture, thus warding off the danger of perceptual totalitarianisation on which contemporary power regimes are grounded.
Metabody Conference Series is part of the Metahuman/Metaformance Studies programme of the Metabody Project, that embraces the series of PRESENTATIONS taking part in more than 25 events in more than 15 cities of 11 countries. MetamediaLab is the nomadic WORKSHOP module of the Metabody Project. The first conference bears the title “Multiplicities in Motion: Affects, embodiment and the Reversal of Cybernetics. 3.000 years of posthuman history” and explores a first transversal field of critique and creative invention for the Metabody project addressing the history of perception. The first MetamediaLab production workshop bears the title “Bodynet: how to make a network of bodies“, addressing the potential inversion of the contemporary disembodied Internet paradigm in which even biometric “embodied” networks reduce corrporeality to information patterns.
Metahuman Metaformance Studies comprises emergent topics such as:
- Neocolonial studies – postcolonial studies
- Metaformance and metaformativity studies -Performance and performativity studies
- Post-queer and queer studies
- Post-ability and disability studies
- Metahuman studies
- Comparative posthumanisms: Humanism, Posthumanism, Hyperhumanism, Transhumanism and Metahumanism
- Feminisms, transfeminisms, postfeminisms, microfeminisms
- Postgender and sexual disorientation studies
- Postmonogamy studies, post-intimacy studies, sex work studies, post-genital sex studies
- Metacultural studies
- Metahumanities
- Metahistory
- Metasciences
- Matatekhnes & Metamedia studies
- Metaphilosophy
- Metaontology – Metaepistemology
- Metaethics
- Meta-aesthetics
- Meta-arts
- Metadisciplinary studies
- Metaperception & Meta-affordance
- Post-cyborg & Post-species studies
- Metacognitive studies
- Affect theories and meta-emotion studies
- History of animal and human emotions, posthuman and non human affects
- Minoritarian affects and embodiments (queer, postcoloniality, feminisms, disabilities)
- Kinethics, Ontokinethics, Kinethology, Panchoreographic studies
- Epistemology and ontology of movement
- History of perception and post-consciousness studies
- Amorphogenetics
- Commons/precommons/metacommons
- Hyperreality and hyperhumanism studies
- Embodiment and information – History of cybernetics, information and media
- Enaction, affordances, proprioception, premovement and other fields of cognitive science
- Agential realism, Relational ontology, Ontologies of becoming, Transduction
- Emotion simulation, capture, analysis, militarization and capitalization
- (Ir)reducibility of affects to universal patterns of emotion and information
- Aesthetics of global surveillance
- Affective Capitalism
- Bioethics, media ethics and kinethics
- Posthuman ecology and metahuman ethics, Cyborg ethics
- Uncanny Valley studies
- Boundary non-object studies
- Illegibility studies and near-legibility studies
- Information vs. in-formation
- Cybernetics vs. cybernethics
- Antibiometrics