Online Movement Freedom Workshops:
In times of the Pandemic
We already had a society of immobile bodies clicking on screens, the pandemic seems to be taking this to a new radical level where many supposed freedoms of movement and relation might vanish. Regaining the body, movement, proprioceptions and all senses in times of confinement seems like an urgent task. We will propose subtle ways of doing so even as we are confined. How to regain movement and the body in times of confinement? This implies also reinventing, ontohacking them!
- workshops – online – Series: Reinventing the body in times of the pandemic – Disalignments /Ontohacking
- Workshop 1 (English): Regaining movement in times of the pandemic
Workshop 2 (English): The propriocetive swarm and radical movement freedom
- Workshop 3 (English): The 4 swarming levels of the body
- Workshop 4 (English): How many bodies do we have?
- Taller 1 (castellano): Introducción a la Propiocepción – Reinventar el cuerpo en tiempos de Pandemia
- Taller 2 (castellano): Los cuatro niveles de movimiento-sensación auto-organizado del cuerpo –
- Taller 3 (castellano): ¿Cuantos cuerpos tenemos? – los metacuerpos cotidanos
- Taller 4 (castellano): La importancia de desalinearse – el enjambre propioceptivo
- Taller 5 (castellano): La importancia del movimiento en el confinamiento
- Taller 6 (castellano): Desalinear cuerpo
- Taller 7 (castellano): Desalinear el espacio
Taller 10.2 (castellano): Desalineamiento sentad@ 2 – micromovimientos
Taller 10.3 (castellano): Desalineamiento sentad@ 3 – micromovimientos en sofá
- Taller 11.1 (castellano) – Desalineamiento tumbad@ 1
- Taller 11.2 (castellano) – Desalineamiento tumbad@ 2
Talks – online
- Talk 2 (English) – Neither Order nor Chaos: Fluctuation-variation
- Talk 3 (English) – How many senses do we have?
- Charla 1 (castellano) – El Virus, nuestro aliado
- Charla 2 (castellano) – Ni Orden ni Caos: Fluctuación-variación
- Charla 3 (castellano) – ¿Cuantos sentidos tenemos?
- Charla 4 (castellano) – La Salud del Planeta Primero
- Charla 5 (castellano) – La Paradoja de estos Vídeos
- Charla 6 (castellano) – ¿Cuantas pandemias teniamos ya?
- Charla 7 (castellano) – Los metacuerpos de la COVID-19
- Charla 8 (castellano) – ¿Como es tu intimidad con Algoritmos Autónomos?ONLINE TALKS, WORKSHOPS, PERFORMANCES
With the support of the Ministry of culture and the Region of madrid / Con el apoyo del Ministerio de Cultura y la Comunidad de Madrid: