Ethics of Technology Consultancy & Project Coordination Consultancy
Big Data Watch – The Problem IS the technology:
Ontological-ethical assessment / Ontoethical usertests
- Contestable Futures in the Age of the Algorithms
- Democracy of algorithms and democracy of Perception
Are you (not) worried by the ethical implications of the technologies you produce or use? Contact us for advice!
The Metabody Institute offers pioneering advice and consultancy on ethics of technology. Jaime del Val, following his expertise as philosopher, media artist and transdisciplinary transnational project coordinator offers consultancy to institutions or individuals about the ethics of technology from a pioneering perspective. The Institute has an extensive board of advisors and collaborators who may help in particular cases too.
Ontoethics takes into account the deeply transformative nature of technology and the way it transforms perceptions and relations thus influencing the way we collectively shape our worlds and societies.
Technology developers usually assume a number of unquestioned biases. A comprehensive ethical approach to technological development needs to look carefully at those biases and beyond them. These biases are not only cultural but cognitive and perceptual.
If you wish to investigate those biases and understand how your technolgy is reproducing them and respond ethically to them, or if you want to research into the novel ethical challenges that new technologies are constantly creating, the institute offers critical feedback on issues like:
- Sustainability of technologies at environmental, social, psychic, perceptual, bodily, or affective levels;
- democracy of technologies;
- the emergent ethical problems posed by Big Data systems and learning algorithms’ opacity;
- the way in which particular media homogenise perceptual ratios, regardless of their content;
- the ways in which technologies shape common sense, or reproduce common sense biases; the cultural and perceptual biases in technological development, the underlying cultural assumptions or logics;
- the effects of technology on embodiment and cognition; cognitive and perceptual reduction in technological environments;
- neuroplasitcity vs. neuroflexibility;
- embodiment, movement and multisensory integration in interface design;
- control vs. indeterminacy in simulation and smart culture;
- problems related to the reductive, productive and non-representational status of movement and motion measurement;
- ethical implications of emotion and behaviour measurement, prediction and orientation;
- or how to create transdisciplinary teams of research, amongst others.
Contact: info [@] metabody.eu
Project Consultancy
- Promoting and coordinating projects
- Consultancy on project coordination
Do you want to set up a visionary cooperation project? Do you want to get to know the real deal of setting up and coordinating a transdisciplinary, multiannual, transnational EU Project or any large scale cooperation Project?
Following the extensive experience in coordination and promotion of large scale transdisciplinary and transnational cooperation, particularly through the coordination of the Metabody Project, Reverso Association, the Metabody Institute and their director Jaime del Val offer consultancy on Project coordination as well as advice for the promotion and coordination of projects and new ideas, from setting up a consortium and applying for a call, to implementing, developing and reporting.
If you want to know the real deal of EU projects, get a first hand experience through the pioneering work of a small operator having carried on successful projects.
Get advice on:
- Shaping a new and visionary idea
- Forming a consortium
- Applying for a call
- Developing the Project
- Reporting and justifying
Contact: info [@] metabody.eu